Do what you love and love what you do at Priority Envelope!

Steve Jobs once said, “Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do.”
This belief holds true today more than ever-did you know that up to 87.7% of America’s workforce is not able to contribute to their full potential because they don’t have passion for their work? The team at Deloitte Insights notes that less than 12.3 percent of America’s workforce possesses the attributes of worker passion. This “passion gap” is important because passionate workers are committed to continually achieving higher levels of performance
To learn more about what the Deloitte team discovered click here .
And to learn more about what makes Priority Envelope an employer of choice take it directly from our employees’ mouths here.
We love what we do at Priority Envelope, and it’s this passion that has allowed us to grow since 1996. If you’re interested in being part of a team that promotes and encourages your dreams then consider making Priority Envelope your home away from home.