Priority Envelope Participates in “Grow More” Program

Through the new “Grow More” Program, PCMC (Paper Converting Machine Company/W+D (Winkler+Dünnebier) brings Lean Tools, Process Knowledge, and Leadership to work in partnership with Priority Envelope’s customers to move forward on the continuous improvement journey.
During the week of April 29th, PCMC/W+D facilitated a set-up reduction event on a 627 envelope machine(pictured below) at the Priority Envelope facility located in Nevada, IA. The team, made up of PCMC/W+D and Priority Envelope team members, generated over 170 ideas on how to improve the change-over (changing the machine from one envelope format to another) of the 627 envelope machine. Attending W+D team members were Florian Grosch (service technician) and Tobias Lochner (L3 Leader); PCMC attending member was Craig Compton.
Results: 58% reduction in change-over time!
“W+D/PCMC arrived in Nevada Iowa to take a look at the current state of our set-up process on the 627 RC, they helped us see things differently by using several Lean tools and getting our team engaged with continuous improvement methods. Helping us establish a new Target Condition we were asked several times ‘What if’, what obstacles do you think are preventing us from reaching the target? What is our next step and what have we learned? We learned so much from this week event that that the Kaizen project will never stop at Priority Envelope. This event brought our team closer together in the pursuit of improvement.” – Randy Lewis, Operations Manager
Winston Churchill once said; ‘To improve is to Change and to be perfect; change often.’ Changing the way we do business at Priority Envelope is an everyday practice. Thanks to W+D/PCMC we here at Priority Envelope are all re-energized and excited to continue with our journey ‘To be our customers’ best supplier’.”
Left to Right: Andrew Sullivan, Larry Peter, Tobias Lochner, Florian Grosch, Cory Willson, Jill Meier, Richard Paris, Tim Shickell, Tom Young, Mark Block, Joe Young, Natasha Sawyer, Nichole Dvorak, Paul Hallberg & Craig Compton. Not pictured: Randy Lewis & Kevin Gerlach.